Decided to take down my website that has been up since that last web class I took. I really want to re-design it, so that will be added to the list for the summer. I'll definitely post when it's ready to go live.
My summer so far has been great, working on a couple freelance jobs, interning Monday to Friday. I'm really enjoying life these days. Of course, there's improvements that I would like to be made, but there's been some great ones though this year. I've been surrounded by amazing people who have truly inspired me in such a short period of time.
It's all about the process of growing. It's all about learning from your mistakes. What I've learned from someone I look up to entirely and adore for all he's taught me is this: Life will never fail you. Take it as you want, but take it, try it. I promise you, it will change everything. It has for me.