The Flood

It goes by might of being such a flood
Held high at so unnatural a level.
It will have outlet, brave and not so brave.
weapons of war and implements of peace
Are but the points at which it finds release.
And now it is once more the tidal wave
That when it has swept by leaves summits stained.
Oh, blood will out. It cannot be contained.
- Robert Frost , The Flood

Is Robert Frost reasoning that human suffering and strife will never end? In a sense, it never does, one after the other, we are hit by the unpredictability of life. Time and time again, our patience is tested, our hope, our faith, our willingness to keep moving forward. Human suffering and strife will never end, sounds a bit dreary doesn't it? But you know, somehow we, for the most part, get through the toughest of time and come out with a smile, a smirk, whatever it may be, some sign of happiness.

Today is Thursday, August 21st 2008. It's been two years since Jay passed away, 730 days since God took up an angel that everyone loved and looked up to. I admit, it has gotten a bit easier to get through each day, with the help of my family, my cousins. My cousins, there's no explaining how I feel about them, the connection we have now that we unfortunately realized that life is uncertain. Everything is perfect, but one thing is missing, one person that I wish could experience every moment with us, laugh at every joke we make. I know he is looking down on us, I know when he is with me. I feel him, I just wish I could see him. I wish we all could see him just for one more day, to tell him how much he meant to me...

My laptop battery is down to 9%. I'm at the Orlando International Airport waiting for my flight back to NY, home sweet home. Enough of Tropical Storm Fay and its gloominess, I'm ready for some sunshine, I need NY, I need my family. Cutting this off now before this dies on me.


Rush Hour

The afternoon rush hour, a time of chaos and a time of rest. Beat the crowd, find a seat, sleep.

Two more hours until the workday is over.